Sunday 15 September 2013

A Bit of Bloglovin', baby!

So one of the things that I don't get along with when blogging...the technical side of things! Man can that stuff get complimicated?! Seriously, when it comes to me and anything that isn't my phone, there is bound to be a problem!

The whole, Google+, Blogger, Wordpress thing was starting to become a pain in the arse because I barely understand any of it and then this beauty came to my attention! It is SO easy to follow all your favourite blogs over on there! An added bonus, if you have an iPhone or an iPad, you can also download their free app in the App Store! I KNOW...AMAZE! I now only use Blogger to compose my blogposts. THIS is my new best friend!

OK, enough of the rambling! If you're feeling generous, feel free to click the link to give me an auld follow! :)

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Feel free to leave me your links below in the comments too! I'm always excited to find new blogs!

Linda, x

Welcome To 'My Make-up Vanity!

Hey and welcome to 'My Makeup-Up Vanity'. So after a few unsuccessful attempts to start and keep a blog up and running, I find myself here with yet another new blog. Why, I hear you pondering? Well, to be honest with you, I love blogging but over the past few months, I have been feeling quite down. Blogging became a chore. I was unmotivated, unhappy and was being a down right pain in the arse! What's that got to do with my blog? Well, I found that my posts were starting to portray those feelings and nobody wants to be a negative Nancy, eh?! Now, I know that my blogs weren't a huge success but I really love it and I believe in giving something 100% or nothing at all, and that's what I did so I stopped even trying. But, I'm in a better place so I've decided why not start off fresh and work harder than I ever have and actually ENJOY blogging!

Anyway enough of the babble...

You're wondering what you'll find here? The usual makeup and beauty reviews, makeup looks (both celebrity inspired and my own creations too), my beauty finds, hair care, nail tutorials and general randomness thrown into the mix too!

Don't be afraid to leave me a comment. I don't bite (unless you're Johnny Depp, that's a different story)... :)

Linda, x